Monday, January 24, 2011

Dynamite Poem-Friends vs. Foe

Unbreakable, trustworthy
Cherish, caring, guiding
Laughter, memories, wrath, rival
Detest, hate, argue
Vicious, envious 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Free Verse Poem-Friendship

Pictures after pictures of us too
Waving at the camera.
We were at a theme park
And I had forgotten my lunch sack.
Thank you for sharing such memories.

At your sleep over party
We slept horizontally on the bed
In the morning to realize
That I taken all your blanket
Thank you for your warmth.

My apartment,
5 minute walk away from yours.
And even when you moved to another continent
Your house,
 5 minute drive away from mine.
I followed your steps.
Thank you for guiding me.

Our bond is like a rope
That can never be untied.
And because you are leaving
I say this one more time

Thank you.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Pictures of us two
What great memories we share
The strong bond of ours