Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Research Questions

 1) What is required in the educational field to become a dentist (college years & education)

       2) What do dentists do? (stable income)

       3) Does it fit my personality and will I enjoy it?  Is there a possibility in changing my career in my future because of the lack of enjoyment? (Which is more vital, my priority or a stable income)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Spiritual Gifts Assessment

Today, during class, we took the Spiritual Gifts Assessment in which we found each of our talents in the ways of connecting with God and his words. By taking this test, we were able to get to know our selves better and find out our hidden gifts in the spiritual side. Perhaps in the future, we will be able to use these gifts wisely to help the people who are in need of spiritual paths.

Through out the test we were instructed to give markings of 3 as highly true and 0 as never true regarding to what we are. I received results of service, mercy, and prophecy as my spiritual gifts, meaning that I enjoy working behind scenes and finding joy in supporting the work of other and helping without being asked and comforting people who are going through painful experiences of their lives.  Furthermore, I found out that I had gifts of influencing people in godly ways that might as well as change their lives spiritually and being at God's side even during harsh times. I believe that parts of these characteristics of me are true, although some I partially do not agree with. I hope that this is part of God's plan for me and will influence my future so that I will be led to his path.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Last Class with Counselor

Today, we were able to finish the SDS testing and gets suggestions of our future careers depending on our talents and what we enjoy doing. I noticed how many of the jobs I received from the results of the test related to my parent's career. I realized today of how much my parents had influenced me although I did not particularly consider their jobs as one of my interests. Later I furthermore found out that many others had similar results in which they had inherited parts of their parent's career.

Today is the last writing class with our counselor and next week we are planned for researching the career we received from the SDS test results.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Learning Style

Before we continued the SDS testing from last class we were given the printed results of the Learning Style test and discussed the various types of learning style including visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Visual type of learning is where you are able to understand better through presentations or diagrams while auditorial type of learning is where you are more comfortable with listening when studying.  Furthermore, kinesthetic style of learning is where you often have to take short breaks in between studying because you can not keep still, and overall, this is considered a difficult learning type to handle. However, my learning style was not clear and I was told that I may be suited in any of the style without major problems where as others might have a hard time adjusting their conformability in the different teaching style of teachers.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Learning About Myself

Today, through naviance.com we were able to take the learning style test, personality test, and part of the career choices test. In summary of the learning style test, I work best when my environment is quiet and prefer bright light. Moreover, through the personality test I was able to realize the strengths and weakness of my personality in which includes of being a good listener and not dominating the conversation, as well as blind spots such as appearing to be less enthusiastic than you may really be. The booklet test that I am partly done is very detailed and includes a lot of jobs and I hope to find the one that fits for me the most from the list.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Your values are also an essential factor when choosing your future career and each of us have a certain value that we consider necessary to have in our environment. Last writing class, we were assigned an activity in which we were told to cut out the following values and paste it into a construction paper in the order from the most important to the least important items you want to be included in your career. It was vital to be honest with your list and that the list reflected on your thoughts, not regarding to what others thought about it.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


In my words, talent is the our own unique natural gift we receive from God and in which the amount of talent does not matter from the characteristics of us.

Through youth skills website I was able to realize what I am good at, and there were many categories that I didn't even know or consider as talents. Some including being able to self-control, or ability to control my behavior, and I am able to easily listen to others during meets or regular conversations. Furthermore, because I have moved so much in my past and had to adapt different environments, I've developed a new talent in which I can now adjust to changes and new conditions fairly quickly. Although I have no natural talent in art, I feel the most confident in expressing my thoughts through this particular skill.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thought Questions

How do you plan on choosing a career?
Choosing a career is a major decision of my life; It deals with my future and it may possibly be where I will be stuck at for the rest of my life. My career would depend on my academics as well as the area that I am especially good at or have special interests on. There are much more careers available for me than I am aware about now and planing would be necessary. Many resources about careers and jobs are available in the internet and when searching through the resources, I would choose a job with a reasonable income as well as balance it out with what I know will enjoy doing.

Does your gender make a difference?
Although the old view of dividing male and female's domain of work area have been improved, choosing your career may heavily depend on your gender. For example, many mothers have part time jobs or even no particular specialities, being the housekeeper most of the time. Furthermore, some say that it is wrong for the leader's place or higher positioned job is handed to females. On the other hand, I think that unlike the society that we have now, both female and male would be judged equally when coming to job opportunities regarding to the fact that education have improved.

Who will help you choose your career?
My parents are the most influential people on me, as well as my friends. My mother is a dentist, thus, I had seen the grim sides of being one of her, and especially because I downright hated having to see "blood" I knew that doctors of any kind was out of my list. My friends are also a great help to me in choosing my career, as we are able to discuss our areas of interests with out the pressures of parents.

Can the bible offer any help?
Another source that I may be able to receive help is from God's words, the Bible. It does not tell us directly of what careers we should choose, but it informs us of the right path we should take especially when it comes to choices. Moreover, we can connect our lives to the parables in the Bible, and through the Bible, God may be able to direct us to the plans that he had set up for us.